Deploying REACT+VITE website in Github Pages

Deploying REACT+VITE website in Github Pages

Clock Icon2023.04.04


Create Vite+react Website


Recently I learned how to deploy React+Vite website to Github pages.So These are the steps I followed to deploy my application to Github pages.

Setting up the application

Let us create the basic website of react in vite project

  • yarn create vite
  • Enter the name of your project
  • Select React framework
  • Choose the language variant., here I chose Typescript
  • After setting up the framework, you will see an output that the project has been scaffolded.

Create Github Repository

  • Create a Github repository.As shown in the below picture.

  • Build the application using.
    • yarn build 
  •  You'll need to build the application. After which you should be able to see a “dist” folder in your root directory.

  • Push the code into the Github repository.



  • Set the  base in  vite.config.js.
  • export default defineConfig({
      base: "/<YOUR_REPO_NAME>/", // add the base as repo name as "/yourRepoName/"
      plugins: [react()],


Install and setup gh pages

Now, install the  gh-pages package

  • yarn add -D gh-pages or npm install gh-pages --save-dev


  • Add the below code to package.json:
    •  "homepage": "https://<USERNAME><YOUR_REPO_NAME>/",
  • Add the below code to scripts in the package.json
    • "predeploy": "npm run build",
      "deploy": "gh-pages -d dist"


run & deploy

  • We are done with the configuration, let's run the command to deploy.
  • yarn run deployOrnpm run deploy


The website has been deployed yayy!



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